Getting Your Home’s Exterior Ready for the Holidays

Your home’s exterior is the first thing your guests see, so it’s a good idea to spruce it up before they come over to visit for the holidays. BFARR Contracting, a top commercial roofer in the state, shares some tips on how to get your exterior ready.

Declutter Your Front Lawn

If you have any outdoor furniture or lawn ornaments on your front lawn, you might want to store them in the shed, at least while friends and family are visiting. Just keep the pieces of furniture and ornaments that fit into your exterior’s design. Remember: consistency is essential to a visually appealing facade.

Clear the Foyer 

Don’t forget to remove unnecessary clutter on your foyer as well. You can also place a welcome mat on your doorstep—you’ll be surprised at how much a simple welcome message can make your guests feel more at home. 

Apply a Fresh Coat of Paint to Your Front Door

Homeowners tend to treat their front door more as an afterthought. However, it’s the first thing your guests will see when they enter your home. Apply a fresh coat of paint to your front door, or if you’re in the festive mood, put up Christmas decorations. Of course, none of these will do your front door or your exterior any good if the door’s too worn. In which case, you might need to install a new entry door. 

Clean Your Siding

It’d also be a good idea to clean your siding, the largest—and the most visible—part of your exterior. If you notice any cracks, install a siding replacement as soon as possible. Heat can leak out of cracks in your exterior, making your guests’ stay less comfortable and raising your heating costs. 

If you make any changes to your exterior, make sure to hire a qualified contractor. Remember, always vet a contractor before hiring them. 

Looking for a certified contractor in your area? 

BFARR Contracting, a GAF® Master Elite®  contractor with an A%20 rating from the Better Business Bureau®, offers a wide range of professional exterior services, including window replacement services. To get a free estimate, call us at (321) 444-6446 or leave us a message here

Categories: roofing contractor
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